Hi thecedarsrc,
1. I know I already asked, but I feel like there must be some way to match the format on the Attitude home page with the image, if anyone can help. How are you able to get the image below the horizontal nav and on only one page? I just want a home page with an image and a navigation bar above it; I don’t want the image to repeat on every page.
==> You may use slider to display the image below the nav but just use only one image. If you use more than one image then it will rotate automatically. other wise you need code customisation. The file is inside theme folder -> library -> structure -> header-extension.php
IF you are good at coding then you may change the code.
2>How do you get the text on the image? It looks like the slogan text, although one of the boxes is gray, but it is on the image itself.
–> The text you are talking about is slider text. Create any page or post and give a title and write a short description. At the below right corner there is featured image. Upload your featured image and set it to publish. Remember the id of this page. You can see the page / post id at the url and then go to dashboard -> appearance -> theme options -> featured post / page slider -> Featured Post/Page Slider Options and add the page / post id
for more info
3. On my home page there is a category uncategorized section. It seems like a blog post thing, but it wasn’t there before I changed the page template to business. Is there any way to get rid of this?
==> You just go to the dashboard -> appearance -> widgets -> then go to business page sidebar
There is a category widgets, remove it and click on save.
Then it will be removed.
Thank you!