November 4, 2014 at 9:10 am
Theme Horse Support Team
Hi erin,
Ok go to header-extension.php on line no 520 and can you see this code ?
if(strlen($excerpt) >120){
$excerpt_length = substr($excerpt, 0 , 120);
$interface_featured_sliders .= '<div class="featured-content">'.$excerpt_length.'...'.'</div><!-- .featured-content -->';
$interface_featured_sliders .= '<div class="featured-content">'.$excerpt.'</div><!-- .featured-content -->';
Here we only display 120 character. You can change this 120 to 500 to display 500 character. Or if you want more than this then you can change it accordingly you want. Before changing anything change everything in the child theme to be save from our updates. Hope this may help you
Thank you!