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I’m just gonna try one more time…. 🙂
I have created my child theme, that is not what I am asking, I am asking you if I was correct to put the above code into a functions.php and upload it to my child theme? Because I did this, and it didn’t work for me.

Below is what I have used for the Child Theme, could you please, have a look at it and tell me if all good? As it seems to be working fine, and please, please tell me, if uploading the code to functions.php into theme is the right thing to do??
Thank you

Theme Name: Clean Retina Child
Theme URI:
Description: Clean Retina Child Theme
Author: Pauline Downie
Author URI:
Template: clean-retina
Version: 1.0.0
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: clean-retina-child


/* =Theme customization starts here
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