Thanks for pointing me to the location of the function in your example code.
Let’s look at the example code:
As I said in my September 16 post, just before the function, there should be a line with:
add_action(‘phase’,’function’, ‘priority’);
And indeed, just before the function cleanretina_display_404_page_content() , there is a line reading:
add_action( ‘cleanretina_404_content’, ‘cleanretina_display_404_page_content’, 10 );
This line is essential because it gives information to unhook the function.
Now for the function cleanretina_featured_post_slider: it is located in:
clean retina pro (themefolder) -> library -> structure -> header-extensions.php on line no 490
Just before this function, there is NO line reading: add_action(‘phase’,’function’, ‘priority’);
So I don’t have the necessary information to unhook this function in the child theme.
This should be easy to fix, thanks for any help!!