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Reply To: Bugs in Attitude Pro


Hi there
My site is still taking a long time to load and I think it is because the theme. When I switch to another theme, it loaddss quickly. I know you recommend to build a child theme but in which file do I find the following code:

function attitude_webpageicon() {

$attitude_webpageicon = ”;
if( ( !$attitude_webpageicon = get_transient( ‘attitude_webpageicon’ ) ) ) {
global $attitude_theme_options_settings;
$options = $attitude_theme_options_settings;

if ( “0” == $options[ ‘disable_webpageicon’ ] ) {
if ( !empty( $options[ ‘webpageicon’ ] ) ) {
$attitude_webpageicon .= ‘<link rel=”apple-touch-icon-precomposed” href=”‘.esc_url( $options[ ‘webpageicon’ ] ).'” />’;

set_transient( ‘attitude_webpageicon’, $attitude_webpageicon, 86940 );
echo $attitude_webpageicon ;
Black Widow