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Reply To: Quit "read more" link from Theme Horse Widgets: Service


Hello Sunil,

thank you so much for explaining me in detail how to solve this problem!

I intented to change it step by step but still have some doubts.

What should I do with the content-extension.php? You coment that I get the sidebar, but I’m really unexperted and don’t know which sidebar I should have in mind and if changing something in this doc.

in the attitude_widgets.php I find the class name “class attitude_service_widget extends WP_Widget {”
but can’t find the code I should remove below.

The only code that is similar to yours is between lines 569 and 570:
” href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”><?php echo $options[ ‘post_excerpt_more_text’ ]; ?>

Is it this one?

Thanks a lot.