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NewsCard Changelog

NewsCard Free

Version - 1.3 - 2023.10.1 
* Update - fontawesome updated to version 6.4.2
* Update - twitter and threads social profile logo updated

Version - 1.2.9 - 2022.7.1 
* Feature - Entry Title limit to 2 Lines option added
* Update - featured image caption added in single page
* Fix - fixed string to number comparison as of PHP 8.0+

Version - 1.2.8 - 2021.10.22
* Feature - Anchor tag added on sections and widgets title
* Update - Added attribute `rel="noopener noreferrer"` in link with `target="_blank"`
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce, bbPress, Right-To-Left (RTL), styles support updated
* Tweak - Featured images size on some sections/widgets tweaked for fast browsing experiences
* Fix - Pagination issue fixed on specific date archive

Version - 1.2.7 - 2020.11.09
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce and bbPress support updated
* Update - RTL support for top stories updated
* Update - more social profiles support updated
* Update - style.css and rtl.css minor update

 Version - 1.2.6 - 2020.6.26
* Feature - Added option to remove archive title labels
* Fix - Custom Post Types Archive layout issue fixed
* Tweak - No Comment links removed while there is no any comment
* Update - Gutenberg support styles update
* Update - wp_body_open hook added
* Update - style.css minor update
* Update - POT file updated

 Version - 1.2.5 - 2020.4.2
* Tweak - Demo Content removed as per WP guidelines
* Update - POT file updated

 Version - 1.2.4 - 2019.12.23
* Fix - breadcrumb error on Google Search Console fixed

 Version - 1.2.3 - 2019.10.20
* Fix - sticky sidebar minor issue fixed
* Fix - footer privacy policy function fatal error issue fixed on previous WP versions older than 5.0
* Update - style.css minor update
* Update - widget category, media video, nav menu and pages style added

 Version - 1.2.2 - 2019.8.19
* Tweak - Gutenberg style tweak
* Update - rtl.css and style.css minor update

 Version - 1.2.1 - 2019.7.31
* Feature - WPML Multilingual Plugin support added
* Update - Gutenberg Style support added

 Version - 1.2.0 - 2019.7.5
* Update - Match Height script added to lined the banner sections when title is not set.
* Fix - Gallery aligned issued on small devices fixed.

 Version - 1.1.9 - 2019.5.15
* Update - Dropdown toggle on submenu support for small devices.

 Version - 1.1.8 - 2019.4.2
* Feature - Support Right-To-Left (RTL) Language direction.
* Tweak - Minor style tweak

 Version - 1.1.7 - 2019.3.13
* Tweak - header media style minor updated
* Update - missed translation added for posts pagination
* Update - POT file updated

 Version - 1.1.6 - 2019.2.1
* Tweak - enqueuing javascript ordering tweak
* Tweak - style.css minor updated
* Tweak - bootstrap fixed column width added in footer widget area rather than auto column width
* Tweak - smart speed and auto play timeout modified for 'Banner Feature Slider' for better user experience
* Update - popper.js added to support javascript components for 'Bootstrap'
* Fix - category display issue fixed while featured image is disable on post single.
* Update - 'breadcrumb-trail' text domain changed to 'newscard' for translation and updated POT file accordingly

Version - 1.1.5 - 2019.1.23
* Tweak - Upgrade to Pro link and Free Vs Pro page added in theme info page
* Tweak - Advertisement redirected link now opens in a new tab
* Fix - Top Stories Bar height issue fixed while refreshing the page
* Update - POT file updated

Version - 1.1.4 - 2018.12.17
* Tweak - Heading tag fixed on blog single for better SEO
* Fix - Main Navigation when not set to primary issue fixed
* Fix - Long site description issue fixed
* Update - Shown Page Title on Blog Page
* Update - Gutenberg Blocks support added

Version - 1.1.3 - 2018.12.02
* Features - New 'NewsCard Settings' section added for 'Featured Image' display option to show on page and posts single
* Features - New 'Banner Settings' section added for Banner sections to show on Homepage only or Homepage and Posts Page
* Features - Header Featured Posts display option added to show on Homepage or Homepage only and Posts Page
* Tweak - Grid set to 3 column in medium screen of latest post when global layout setting is set to full-width
* Fix - Top Bar menu toggle space removed on small devices when no menu registered
* Fix - Gallery row alignment fixed
* Update - Pot file updated

Version - 1.1.2 - 2018.11.29
* Features - Breadcrumbs hide option added
* Features - Video Tutorial link added in theme info page
* Update - Pot file updated

Version - 1.1.1 - 2018.11.26
* Initial Release

NewsCard Pro

Version - 2.0 - 2022.7.1
* Feature - Entry Title limit to 2 Lines option added
* Update - featured image caption added in single page
* Fix - fixed string to number comparison as of PHP 8.0+

Version - 1.1.9 - 2021.10.22
* Feature - Anchor tag added on sections and widgets title
* Update - Added attribute `rel="noopener noreferrer"` in link with `target="_blank"`
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce, bbPress, Right-To-Left (RTL), Widgets, Color options and Font Size/Color options styles support updated
* Tweak - Featured images size on some sections/widgets tweaked for fast browsing experiences
* Fix - Pagination issue fixed on specific date archive

 Version - 1.1.8 - 2020.11.09
* Update - Google Fonts list updated. Now you can choose upto 1000+ fonts
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce and bbPress support updated
* Update - RTL support for top stories updated
* Update - more social profiles support updated
* Update - style.css and rtl.css minor update
* Fix - Site Title color option issue fixed while background image is set

 Version - 1.1.7 - 2020.6.26
* Feature - New Header Section Sidebar added for a secondary advertisement option on Header to support Google Adsense and other html codes
* Feature - Added option to remove archive title labels
* Fix - Custom Post Types Archive layout issue fixed
* Tweak - No Comment links removed while there is no any comment
* Update - Gutenberg support styles update
* Update - wp_body_open hook added
* Update - style.css minor update
* Update - POT file updated

 Version - 1.1.6 - 2019.11.26
* Fix - breadcrumb error on Google Search Console fixed
* Fix - footer privacy policy function fatal error issue fixed on previous WP versions older than 5.0
* Fix - sticky sidebar minor issue fixed
* Tweak - Color Sheme, Font Size and Font Color tweak
* Update - Google Fonts list updated. Now you can choose upto 979 fonts
* Update - widget category, media video, nav menu and pages style added
* Update - style.css minor update

 Version - 1.1.5 - 2019.8.19
* Feature - WPML Multilingual Plugin support added
* Tweak - Gutenberg style tweak
* Tweak - Color Sheme, Font Size and Font Color tweak
* Fix - Gallery aligned issued on small devices fixed
* Fix - Excerpt More (...) removed while excerpt length is set to 0
* Update - rtl.css and style.css minor update

 Version - 1.1.4 - 2019.5.15
* Update - Dropdown toggle on submenu support for small devices.

 Version - 1.1.3 - 2019.4.2
* Feature - support Right-To-Left (RTL) language direction
* Update - missed translation added for posts pagination
* Tweak - minor style tweak
* Update - POT file updated

Version - 1.1.2 - 2019.2.4
* Tweak - enqueuing javascript ordering tweak
* Tweak - header media style minor updated
* Tweak - style.css minor updated
* Update - popper.js added to support javascript components for 'Bootstrap'
* Update - 'breadcrumb-trail' text domain changed to 'newscard' for translation and updated POT file accordingly

Version - 1.1.1 - 2019.1.22
* Initial Release