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Clean Retina Changelog

Clean Retina Free

Version - 3.0.5
* Feature - Privacy Policy page link added in footer
* Update - Added attribute `rel="noopener noreferrer"` in link with `target="_blank"`
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce, bbPress, Right-To-Left (RTL) styles support updated
* Update - wp_body_open hook added

Version - 3.0.4
* Feature - Support Right-To-Left (RTL) Language direction
* Update - Gutenberg Style support added
* Update - Theme Info/About page added for helpful informations and links
* Tweak - Custom Post Type `Gallery` and related files removed

Version - 3.0.3
* Feature - WooCommerce Compatible added
* Update - Some Javascript updated to new version
* Update - Unminified jQuery version of html5 added
* Update - Pot file updated
* Update - bbPress css updated
* Tweak - changelog.txt moved to readme.txt file
* Tweak - Some Image replaced with FontAwesome icon
* Tweak - Fav/Web icon removed as it is now added in core
* Tweak - Viewport scale added
* Tweak - Deprecated code fixed in sidebar
* Tweak - Responsive menu changed with new style

Version - 3.0.2
* Update - Theme Tags Updated
* Fix - Multiple text domain fixed

Version - 3.0.1
* Tweak - Inject JS removed from the top of the customizer and added in panel
* Fix - Deprecated message fixed for new PHP7 version
* Fix - Deprecated header image code removed

Version - 3.0
* Update - Theme Option settings moved to Customizer as of WordPress guidelines

Version - 2.0.1
* Update - html5 updated to version 3.7.2
* Update - Custom CSS sanitized with wp_filter_nohtml_kses()
* Update - Unwanted clearboth div removed from footer
* Update - Some CSS added to support contact form 7
* Update - Pot file updated
* Update - Video/Comment section spacing fixed
* Fix - Recent Entries/Comments widget display issue fixed
* Fix - Broken the_title hook fixed
* Fix - Unwanted file removed
* Fix - esc unknown variables
* Fix - bbPress comment edit issue fixed
* Fix - Validate some HTML codes

Version - 2.0
* Fix - Deprecated notice issue fixed in widgets for WordPress 4.3
* Fix - Removed shortcodes plugin-territory function
* Fix - Google fonts display issue fixed for SSL
* Update - get_bloginfo('url') changed to esc_url( home_url() )
* Update - add_editor_style() added
* Update - Recommended title-tag function implemented
* Update - Screenshot updated with recommended size
* Update - add_editor_style() added
* Update - Recommended screen-reader-text css added
* Remove - register_post_type() removed

Version - 1.3.8
* bbPress Compatible
* Missing required hCard added

Version - 1.3.7
* Heading tag placement fixed for better SEO

Version - 1.3.6
* Theme Option design modified
* Titles Heading tag changed for better SEO
* Clean Retina now available in Persian Language. Thanks to Ali Mirzaei  for providing us with the translation files
* Clean Retina now available in Russian Language. Thanks to legkij_at  for providing us with the translation files

Version - 1.3.5
* Social links name made translation ready.
* clean-retina.pot file updated.
* Copyright Information added.

Version - 1.3.4
* Site verification option removed
* Post/Page title link removed in single page/post view.

Version - 1.3.3
* Select Option design/display issue fixed.

Version - 1.3.2
* Excerpt Option box now also available for pages.

Version - 1.3.1
* Clean Retina now available in Spanish Language. Thanks to Dante Mdz.  for providing us with the translation files.
* Drop down menu display issue fixed.
* Breadcrumb modified.

Version - 1.3.0
* Navigation menu issue fixed for all devices.
* Theme Option Panel modified.
* Pot file updated.

Version - 1.2.9
* Clean Retina now available in German Language. Thanks to Guenter Weber for providing us with the translation files.
* Support forum link added on theme option and theme description

Version - 1.2.8
* jQuery issue fixed for dependency.
* Screenshot image change.
* Clean Retina now available in Swedish Language. Thanks to Mr. Claes Niclas Andersson (pattayanic)  for providing us with the translation files.

Version - 1.2.7
* Theme Author name changed from Team Horse to Theme Horse.
* Previous/Next Navigation added for the Gallery Post Format.

Version - 1.2.6
* Updated pot file including the previously missing strings.
* Clean Retina now available in French Language. Thanks to Mr. Manu  and Mr. Francois Charlet  for providing us with the translation files.
* Clean Retina now available in Romanian Language. Thanks to Mr. Manu  for providing us with the translation files.
* Theme Option panel modified.

Version - 1.2.5
* Option added to alter length of the excerpt( number of words ). Default is 30 words.
* Language files updated.

Version -
* Undefined index error fixed for corporate page template options.
* Fixed home corporate layout padding problem if redirect link is not provided.

Version - 1.2.4
* Line height fix for heading tags.

Version - 1.2.3
* Fixed Permalink issue for Corporate Page Template.
* Minor CSS fix.

Version - 1.2.2
* Corporate Page Template Added.
* Language files updated.

Version -
* "Read more" word that appears after excerpt changed to "Read more", space added between word 'Read' and 'more'.
* Removed unnecessary code from theme-options.php file.
* "... Continue Reading" word changed to 'Continue Reading' in slider text.
* Language files updated.
* Small Change in theme description.
* Edited Slider function to adjust the design when no title and no excerpt is present.
* Fixed CSS for for links appearing in list in all footer widgets.
* Donate and Review at link added in theme options page of the theme.

Version -
* Changed theme description in style.css file.
* Clean Retina now available in Polish Language. Thanks to Mr. Adam Klimowski  for providing us with the translation.
* Featured Slider now not only supports Post IDs but also Page IDs.
* Changed the recommended height, width to 250px and 978px respectively for custom-header.
* POT file updated.

Version - 1.2.1
* Site title and description now appears above the site logo. Before it appeared below.
* Making functions (that are not hooked to any action hook or action filter) pluggable for child theme support.
* Removed support for WP Page Numbers plugin since it is outdated and not updated for more than two years.
* Added theme instructions link in the theme options page in the dashboard.

Version - 1.2
* Minor change in cleanretina_theloop function to adjust the search results view
* Webclip icon now disabled by default.
* Header Search form show/hide option added under Design Options in Custom Header tab.
* Posts table now show additional column that shows the respective ID of the post. Added new file cleanretina-show-post-id.php
* Added CSS for current_page_item
* Adjusted footer line just above site info at the footer. It now disappears when footer widget is not used.
* Some CSS modification
* POT file updated.

Version - 1.1.1
* minor changes in header.php.
* Minimize cleanretina_theloop function in functions.php file.
* Fixed the custom header.
* Some changes in custom background feature.

Version - 1.1
* Removed unnecessary images from images folder.
* Fixed and cleaned searchform-extensions.php file. Removed repeated attribute problem.
* Removed footer option and coded footer credit link with theme link, author uri and link.
* Changed the design for the archive view. It now displays featured image and excerpt.
* Included css to hide the wpstats smiley at the bottom of the page.
* Fixed the navigation menu hover problem.
* Modified css for the slider controller.
* Modified css for the custom menu widget.
* CSS fix for next_post_link/previous_post_link in single post view to encounter long titles.
* Added and modified some css to adjust the theme unit test data.
* Created clean-retina.pot file and kept it in languages folder.
* Fixed duplicate attribute of class in the search form.
* Added clean-retina.pot file in languages folder.
* Closed the unclosed divs in footer.
-- Change to adjust with WordPress version 3.5 --
* Some changes in admin.css file to adjust with the WordPress 3.5 version.
* Changed custom gallery's css so it does conflict with WordPress created gallery.
* Changed the screenshot size to 600*450 to account the retina display.

Version - 1.0.1
* Fixed the Theme description in style.css file

Version - 1.0
* Initial Release

Clean Retina Pro

Version - 3.0.6
* Feature - Privacy Policy page link added in footer
* Update - 1000+ Google Fonts update
* Update - Added attribute `rel="noopener noreferrer"` in link with `target=“_blank"`
* Update - Gutenberg, WooCommerce, bbPress, Right-To-Left (RTL), Widgets, Color option and Font Size/Color options styles support updated
* Fix - correct escaping function fixed

Version - 3.0.5
* Revolution Slider and Gallery template page display issue fixed
* fancybox.js/css update to version 3.5.7

Version - 3.0.4
* Fix - `get_sliders` used instead of `getAllSliderAliases` which is no more available from Slider Revolution V6

Version - 3.0.3
* Feature - Support Right-To-Left (RTL) Language direction
* Update - Gutenberg Style support added
* Update - Theme Info/About page added for helpful informations and links
* Tweak - Color Skin, Font Size and Font Color tweak

Version - 3.0.2
* Feature - WPML Compatible added
* Feature - Extra 200+ Google font added
* Feature - WooCommerce Compatible added
* Feature - Slogan Secondary/ Service/Gallery/Product Title font size added
* Update - Some Javascript updated to new version
* Update - Unminified jQuery version of html5 added
* Update - Pot file updated
* Update - bbPress css updated
* Update - Typography option updated
* Tweak - changelog.txt moved to readme.txt file
* Tweak - Some Image replaced with FontAwesome icon
* Tweak - Fav/Web icon removed as it is now added in core
* Tweak - Viewport scale added
* Tweak - Deprecated code fixed in sidebar
* Tweak - Responsive menu changed with new style

Version - 3.0.1
* Fix - Deprecated message fixed for new PHP7 version
* Fix - Deprecated header image code removed

Version - 3.0
* Update - Theme Option settings moved to Customizer as of WordPress guidelines
* New - Xing Social Icons added

Version - 2.0.1
* Update - html5 updated to version 3.7.2
* Update - Custom CSS sanitized with wp_filter_nohtml_kses()
* Update - Unwanted clearboth div removed from footer
* Update - Some CSS added to support contact form 7
* Update - Pot file updated
* Update - Video/Comment section spacing fixed
* Fix - Recent Entries/Comments widget display issue fixed
* Fix - Broken the_title hook fixed
* Fix - Unwanted file removed
* Fix - esc unknown variables
* Fix - bbPress comment edit issue fixed
* Fix - Validate some HTML codes

Version - 2.0
* Fix - Decrypted notice issue fixed in widgets for WordPress 4.3
* Fix - Google fonts display issue fixed for SSL
* Update - get_bloginfo('url') changed to esc_url( home_url() )
* Update - add_editor_style() added
* Update - Recommended title-tag function implemented
* Remove - According to policy Revolution Slider Plugin removed because of non GPL code

Version - 1.8
* Revolution Slider plugin deactivate issue fixed
* Revolution Slider version 4.6.5 included

Version - 1.7
* Revolution Slider version 4.6 included

Version - 1.6
* Revolution Slider version 4.5 included
* Error message in dashboard issue fixed

Version - 1.5
* bbPress compatible
* Missing required hCard added

Version - 1.4
* Heading tag placement fixed for better SEO

Version - 1.3
* Titles Heading tag changed for better SEO
* Theme Option design modified

Version - 1.2
* Update notifier issue fixed
* Custom CSS call priority fixed
* Revolution slider version 4.1.4 included
* Missing strings for translation added
* Fixed Slider and Testimonial controller conflict
* POT file updated
* Theme Option design fixed with respect to new version of WordPress 3.8

Version - 1.1
* Revolution Slider now works for all pages added in the page array option of Revolution Slider Option.
* Page title hide option works for Default, Contact and Corporate page template.
* Breadcrumb fix.
* Missing Translation Added.
* Menu position option added.
* Latest version of Rev slider added.
* Drop down menu display issue fixed.
* Page Excerpt Option box added for pages.
* Pot file updated.

Version - 1.0
* Initial Release