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When only uncategorized posts are displayed …..


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  • #79929


    I have a general enquiry that I think you could resolve. Could you help me please?

    I have created a list of categories within wordpress and there is an area on my site which features brief about new posts I make, for visitors to notice new things.

    The problem is that within this area of blog news, only uncategorized posts are displayed. It means I need to uncategorize my posts if I want them to be noticeable.

    Is there a solution for this problem?

    I have noticed a solution for this problem that you gave some years ago, but that was with a different system of wordpress. Could you offer a solution that suits the latest edition of wordpress please?

    Thank you for your time and for your support : )


    Hi there,

    For which theme you are having those issue? Also could you please share us your site Url so that we can see your blog page.

    Thank you!



    Thank you for your response.

    I was using a theme called Black-Pro designed by SKT themes. In the end they resolved this for me with some additional programming, but I have since abandoned the theme for another.

    At the time of creating this post I was hoping that there was some simple generic code that I could apply somewhere. I was researching for solutions and saw some things but I was still unsure.

    Many thanks for your time and for your interest.



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