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broken css after update

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  • #69936

    I have just updated the theme for a friend of mine and some plugins, and the layout got “broken”.
    Any ideas what could be?
    the website is



    Hi @jean-2034,

    The Theme that you are using to the mention URL is not developed by us. Please Consult to the related Theme Author for the issue.

    In case if you are planning to use any other theme for your site then please visit our beautiful Themes here



    I’m using ambition.
    When trying to revert the crisis, I recovered a backup of the database and the files, but for some reason it didnt fix and it changed the theme. I’m trying to change back with no success yet 🙁


    Hi Jean,

    Can you change the theme via manually from the Appearance?

    Thank you!


    I have changed and it’s been with the “ambition” theme for a while. Its ‘less’ broken now, but still broken. Could you take a look?


    Hi there,

    It seems that you are using the theme which is not developed by us. Name of the theme is same but the author are not same.
    The real author of the theme that you are using is Obox Design you can see the author details in style.css file where you can take support for theme.
    Our theme has a different design you can view it here.

    Thank you!


    Oh ok, thanks!


    No Problem. You can browse our theme here as well.


    Hi, I’m trying to install theme on my website but it is giving me error “layout is broken” could you please help me how to fix this error? Thanks in advance.


    Hi @carmella-thomas31,

    Seems like you are using the theme that was not developed by us, So please contact to the main author of the theme.

    Thank you!

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